Today is Veterans Day. A day we recognize all of those that have sacrificed of themselves to protect this wonderful country that we live in. All of the men and women in the history of this great nation that have enlisted in the armed services, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, have put our freedom ahead of their own. They weren't free to go and see their loved ones whenever they wanted to, they weren't free to do what they wanted to. They sacrificed so that we could see our loved ones and do the things we want to do. We all owe them a thank you that can't be expressed in mere words. Our government has set aside this day to remember and honor all of them but they deserve more than a day. A day is not enough. So I want everyone that reads this to join me in being more intentional about thinking of all these men and women whenever we hear the national anthem or the Pledge of Allegiance. Don't just sing or say the words out of habit or some sort of sense of obligation. Do it to honor those that have served and those that currently serve. Do it with a grateful heart. Lastly, never forget that their sacrifice was for you.
To all the veterans I want to extend my deepest, heartfelt gratitude to you for the sacrifice's that you have made so that I can continue to live free. I can never express with words how much your sacrifice means to me.
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